Friday, September 18, 2020

Getting to Know Students

Fall to a great start! In these unsettling times for educators, it is reassuring to know that there are technology tools to assist us with all of the important aspects of our curriculums. In addition to teaching and learning, we need to get to know our students through a different lens. 

Online communications and interactions are essential to the educational system now more than ever. There are various forms of ice-breaker and "getting to know you" collaborative activities, but wanted to share this recent exercise that I used with my students. It was a great opportunity to hear their voices, see their faces and get a glimpse into their lives. I found this example activity online from @Caitlin_Tucker. She created several tech integration type templates and this one was a winner! Thank you, Caitlin! Simply create a Padlet, post an example, and have students answer some simple questions about themselves or create their own. A fun and rewarding activity!

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